
Faculty and Staff

Contact information for Landon's 200 faculty and staff members can be found below. If you are unsure of whom to contact, please call 301-320-3200 or email

For security reasons, email addresses are only available via our password-protected directory called BearNet.

Students and Families

If you are looking for our student and family directory, this information is password-protected for enrolled families only. Please log in to BearNet to view our family directory.

Search Directory

1 2 3 14 > showing 1 - 15 of 197 constituents
Mrs. Julie Acebal

Mrs. Julie Acebal

School Nurse
B.S., Boston College
Mr. John Aguilar

Mr. John Aguilar

Buildings and Grounds Staff
Mrs. Saima Ahmad

Mrs. Saima Ahmad

Lower School Administrative Assistant and Director of Parent Programming
B.A., Kinnaird College
Mr. Hardy Alston

Mr. Hardy Alston

Buildings and Grounds Staff
Mr. Case Anderson

Mr. Case Anderson

Upper School English Teacher-Coach-Mentor and Form V Dean
B.A., Sewanee: The University of the South
M.A., Sewanee: The University of the South
Mr.  Dijon  Anderson

Mr. Dijon Anderson

Middle School Math Teacher-Coach-Mentor and LS/ MS Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator
B.Arch, Howard University School of Architecture
MS, Trinity Washington University
Ms. Beth Appleton

Ms. Beth Appleton

Director of Special Events
Mrs. Kareena Applewhite

Mrs. Kareena Applewhite

Director of Lower School Admissions
B.A., University of Maryland, College Park
Mr. Michael  Auerbach

Mr. Michael Auerbach

Upper School Math Teacher-Coach-Mentor
B.S., Cornell University
M. Eng., Cornell University
Ms. Jamie Bancroft

Ms. Jamie Bancroft

Accounts Payable Specialist
B.S., B.A., The American University
Ms. Deborah Basket

Ms. Deborah Basket

Co-Director of College Counseling
B.S., Campbell University
M.A., Duke University
Mr. Matthew  Beckoff

Mr. Matthew Beckoff

Upper School Science Teacher-Coach-Mentor
B.S., Central Connecticut State University
Mr. John Bellaschi

Mr. John Bellaschi

Director of Ethics, Service, & Leadership
B.A., Stanford University
J.D., Notre Dame Law School
Dr. Fenton Blake

Dr. Fenton Blake

Middle School Science Teacher-Coach-Mentor
GRSC, Goldsmith's College, London, UK
M.A., Goldsmith's College, London, UK
D.Phil., University of York, UK
Mrs. Sandy Blasey

Mrs. Sandy Blasey

Lower School Librarian
B.S., James Madison University
1 2 3 14 > showing 1 - 15 of 197 constituents