Teachers share best strategies
Teachers listen to presentation

Assistant Head Charles Franklin describes Landon’s first-ever Curriculum and Pedagogy Week, held the week after school ended. This week-long professional development course for 35 Landon faculty allowed our teachers an opportunity to share successful learning strategies, learn from each other, and maintain a boy-centered mindset. 

After over a year of mainly discussing teaching strategies related to virtual and hybrid learning, we were excited to hold our inaugural Landon Curriculum and Pedagogy Week in the week after school ended.  35 Landon faculty gathered for a full week of presentations, discussions, and work on topics related to best practices in boys’ education.  Through recent conversations with faculty and department chairs, we identified several themes we are looking to elevate in our curriculum, and this week provided an excellent opportunity for collaboration and progress to occur.  Each day began with presentations from Landon faculty about the day’s theme, followed by large group conversations, and then breakout work in teaching teams.  

The five themes are:

  • Incorporating resources from outside the classroom 

  • Incorporating student interest into class activities and content 

  • Interdisciplinary learning 

  • Independent scholarship/original work 

  • Increasing creativity in course offerings and content 

These themes resonated with faculty throughout the week as ways to both challenge and engage our boys.  We want our boys to have stimulating learning experiences and by focusing on these best practices in boys’ education, we are excited about seeing even more of these approaches in our classrooms in the year ahead.   

After a long year, to have so many faculty members engage in our inaugural Landon Curriculum and Pedagogy Week is a clear sign of how dedicated and focused our faculty are on continually improving their craft for the benefit of our boys.  We’ll have more specifics to share over the course of the year ahead about how we are increasing these themes in our curriculum, and thank you to all of the faculty for their collaborative spirit and desire to stay at the forefront of boys education.   

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